Thursday, April 24, 2008

Psalm 71: 14-15,21

Hey, friends! I am finally back blogging. I thought I wouldn’t write a new post till June, but I kinda felt a force pulling me, so here I am. The last three months ran like a current, yet every spot it splashed left a deep trace in my head. All that I can say is “WOW”.

To pick up from where I left in my last post, God did say the drama wasn’t the end and so He miraculously took me to Passion DC. The experience of worshipping God with 3,000 students, hearing the fruitcake story, meeting Louie, Chris Tomlin and others from Passion Team is indescribable! Meanwhile, God let me speak on stage and do a Podcast, which He used in an AMAZING way to change lives for His glory. I just want to thank everyone for your love and prayers and all your encouraging messages on facebook. If I haven’t replied, I will soon.

Lots of things happened in March and April – some joyous, some heart- breaking, others calm…
Walking on the same campus having a different feeling; loss of a tutor job and then regaining two;
on my knees sobbing and praying for Yuan’s father in the ward for God’ strength in him; wondering if the two girls would be available for Bible study again and ending up with two more girls to join in; getting to know Mandy and her salvation story; job hunting; keeping my heart with the Passion Movement; knowing my two great friends are getting married in May… WOW! It is God who is saying, “ Look, Sam, here is a portion of the picture I created and put you in, please don’t run around to do stuff to prove you love me; BUT be still and understand My love for you and those around you first!”

I am praying earnestly that God will open the door for me to attend Mag and Adam’s wedding in LA in May. Walking together with them in Christ for the last three years makes their beautiful union moment SO important to me. And I SO want to witness that!!! Now with the crazy May schedule still intangible for the moment, I have no idea if that would happen. Yet, I don’t want to fight God on this-He does what He pleases. I don’t want to wrestle with Him like I did last summer about the Beijing trip with the team. So, today I opened my Bible and came across
Psalm 71:14- 15, 21, then I cried. It is a good cry! To conclude this post, I would like to type these verses as a reminder.

Psalm 71: 14-15, 21
But I will hope continually,
And will praise You yet more and more.

My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness
And your salvation all the day,
For I do not know their limits.

You shall increase my greatness,
And comfort me on EVERY SIDE.


Jesse said...

Thank you for the update! I owe you a response to a facebook message right now. I'm so glad that you are remembering the important things in the midst of the storm.

Sam Lu said...

Thanks,Jesse! I am glad God reminded me of his grace during my quiet time. Hope you are doing great!:)