Friday, August 3, 2007

Back to Civilization

I am finally back to civilization after ten days of working at Liyang Crazy English Summer Camp.This time, camp was unxpectedly amazing - better organized,more teachers,nicer camp spot, more fun time AND best of all, the Nazi director was absent most of the time! I remember the winter camp earlier this year involed too many classes and the kids were just like overstuffed ducks...
To share some camp fun, I've posted some pictures on facebook and, check it out!:D

Well, maybe a glimpse here first!:P

So August is a month for rest at home for me. By rest, I mean not constantly running around and doing stuff. I'll be studying Spanish by myself though. But the luxury of being lazy is occupying mind for the moment so we'll see how far I can go at the end of the month...

I really want to go on a short trip before school starts, but not sure where to go now, maybe Chamelong Waterpark with the summer camp staffs, or Hong kong or just somewhere with Vicky after her internship.We'll see...

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