Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Sunday Morning

Everybody has left for church except me staying in the apartment doing endless study… Raindrops are splashing on the porch outside and here I am procrastinating…In the past few weeks, school work and class project have kept me in a constantly crazy schedule, now combined with four finals looming the coming week and two more the week after next, I feel like I am completely a slave to school work! Sigh…

I got up at 6:30 this morning to study and in the meantime (in order to stay awake) listened to my favorite opera soundtrack – Snow Wolf Lake (it is still playing in my computer now). A song from it always encourages me so much, esp. during hard times, today is no exception. It is called HOPE. I couldn’t help but translate the lyrics as I was listening to it just now(it soaks deeper in me this way). Here it is:

Difficulty is unavoidable,
Sadness fills the process
As you look back, everything is heart-stirring
The road to the exit may not be smooth
The sky in the daytime may not be bright
(But) Tears are the buoyant force that lifts you up
After stumbles and falls can one become strong
Without uttering any complaint, you proclaim your perseverance
There is always someone to bring you hope
There is always something to warm your heart
It is this flame, it is this light
That help you forget the darkness before dawn
There is always someone for you to hold on to
Don’t let down the one who stands guidance for you
Keep the past firm and deep in your heart
Put aside all your worries
Set your eyes ahead

The rain outside has stopped but my thoughts continue…and (I have to say) SO is study…

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